
The Somatic School

Returning to our senses, remembering the roots of our humanity, reconnecting to our place amongst all things, and receiving the gift of this moment.

A Journey of Reconnection

We are moving from a consciousness of separation to one of integration, shaped in part by climate change, the internet, growing awareness of systemic oppression, and a global pandemic.

Our lack of attunement to self, others, and the environment means we’re becoming increasingly disembodied, our systems are collapsing, and the planet is suffering.

But this attunement isn’t completely lost to us. Many Indigenous cultures still have an acute sense of their connection to all things, and while we may not be able to fully know for ourselves the depth of this kind of attunement, we can begin to move closer to it.

It’s not about attaining a superpower or transcending reality, rather it’s about remembering the roots of our humanity.

Additionally, it’s not about reaching for an idea of whom we want to be, or whom we think we should be; it’s about being who we are.

Feet on the ground, feeling this body, breathing this air, living on this planet. Our experience of ourselves, just as we are, is the doorway to real and lasting change.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change.” - Carl Rogers

Now, more than ever, this is what we are being called to, not only for our species but also for our planet.

The Somatic School exists to create opportunities for experiencing attunement to ourselves, each other, and the environment, and in doing so - embrace our wholeness.

Our Values


Joy in Service: In Giving, We Receive

Everything we do is in service of creating uncommonly beautiful experiences for our participants. We believe these experiences don’t just benefit the participants but everyone involved - now and in the future. When the act of service itself is a joy, everybody wins.


Generosity of Spirit:
In Receiving, We Give

We believe that the spirit with which we receive other people has the power to support genius or diminish it. How can we be a generative presence in our interactions to bring out the best in each other?
Every encounter counts.


Humility: Beginner’s Mind

We recognize there is no one way, no one has it all figured out, and we are always learning. We are open-minded, hungry for feedback, and ask for help when we need it. We believe the best leaders follow, so we lead with curiosity.


Professionalism: Three Ps in a Pod

At The Somatic School we recognize the extent of our impact.
Punctuality: We’re on time because it sets the tone.
We come prepared so we can be present and contribute.
We’re mindful of the aesthetic, pace, and tone of everything we do because everything is a communication.


If it isn’t resonant, it isn’t right

For us, response-ability means listening for the feeling of inner rightness. We don’t proceed unless it feels like a fit. If it doesn’t feel right, we pause and check in, speaking truthfully with care and curiosity for ourselves and each other. Response-ability is our responsibility.


Inclusion: No Person (or part) Left Out

All are welcome and all parts of all people are welcome too. Whether spiritual or secular, scientist or creative - you’re welcome here. Regardless of socio-economic background, ethnicity, or culture – you’re welcome here. Good to go or ready for rest; a great success or a struggling mess; mad, sad or glad - it’s welcome here.


Simplicity: When it stops being
simple, stop. Simple.

At The Somatic School less is more. We begin everything with simplicity in mind. The more time we spend on something, the simpler it should become. If it’s not simple, we stop and simplify.


Permission to Play: Messy, Magic,

We are willing to show our soft, authentic underbelly and create an environment where others feel safe to do the same. When we do, others observe that there is permission here to be imperfect, to be human, to learn and grow - and be celebrated in the process.

Meet Your Team

Nathan Blair

Founder & Remembership™ Trainer

After leaving the corporate world to coach full-time, Nathan immersed himself in somatic practice. Over the years he learnt from founding thinkers and practitioners in Somatic Psychology, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Body Psychotherapy. The Somatic School was born out of the desire to create the coach training he had longed for.

Sam Taylor

Head of Training & Course Trainer

Sam is an Executive Coach and Coach Trainer who specialises in supporting leaders to step into the power of their natural embodied presence, purpose and potential. His work combines Body-oriented Coaching, Internal Family Systems, and Systemic Constellations. Sam oversees the entire training operation at The Somatic School.

Meryl Rowlands


The Somatic School's version of a COO and General Manager combined, Meryl is our Integrator. Our Integrator converts the School's vision into tangible plans and ensures their execution. With overarching oversight on the business, Meryl is the drum beat, drives the tempo, connects the dots. She is our 'How', the connector and our steady force.

Georgina Nash

Public Ambassador & Subject Specialist

Georgina is a Body-oriented Coach and embodiment teacher, passionate about helping women awaken more aliveness, pleasure, joyous play, satisfaction and bliss in their lives. Georgina has an MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, with research specialising in embodiment, and she’s a qualified teacher in The Non-Linear Movement Method®.

Whitney Pyles

Introduction to Body-Oriented Coaching Facilitator

Whitney facilitates our Introduction to Body-Oriented Coaching webinar, warmly welcoming newcomers to The Somatic School. She is a certified Body-Oriented Coach, ICF ACC Life Coach, Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, Human Design Guide, and Somatic Educator. Whitney believes the magic happens when we allow ourselves to show up authentically.

Laure Polidori

ICF Director of Education & ICF Coach Mentor

Laure is an ICF PCC Coach and Coach Mentor who focuses on the deep interconnected nature of the bodymind. Laure’s passion for Mentoring emerged back in 2005 and is driven by the extraordinary results self-reflection has had for her many mentee coaches. Laure recently became a published author, co-writing The Awakened Warrior Toolkit.

Jonaffe Bantilan

Commercial Administrator and Book Keeper

Jonaffe helps us keep this ship running at The Somatic School - financially, administratively and professionally. Her optimism in life not only fuels her own endeavours but also serves as a guiding light for others. With her unwavering support, the day to day falls effortlessly into place, to always ensure a smooth sailing.

Laika Evangelista

Administrative Assistant

Laika ensures the smoothest of experiences for our Somanauts, supporting them on all their course related administrative needs. As a curious individual, Laika finds beauty in the mysteries of life. She believes that true fulfilment is a gradual process that requires positivity and resilience. Laika approaches life with patience and gratitude.

Craig Deuchar

Organic Intelligence® Labs Trainer

Craig is an Organic Intelligence®(OI) Coach, OI Workshop Facilitator, and graduate of the Human Empowerment and Resiliency Training (HEART) under the mentorship of OI founder, Steven Hoskinson. He has co-presented OI workshops with Steve in London for both the activist and LGBTQ+ community. Craig delivers the OI Labs here at The Somatic School.

Rachel Blackman

Course & Remembership™ Trainer

Rachel is passionate about helping people access a more enjoyable experience of "being in a body" and become more courageous in their creative agency. Rachel is a trained actor, improvisor, theatre maker, somatic educator, and multi-disciplinary touch therapist. ​For the past 7 years Rachel has helped coaches work with the intelligence of the body.

Paul Taylor-Pitt

Course Trainer

Paul is an Organisation Development Specialist, Somatic Coach, Mentor, Facilitator, Queer Activist and Writer. He has a Doctorate in OD Practice, a Masters in HR Leadership and a bachelor's degree in Psychology. Paul is listed as one of HR Magazine's Most Influential Thinkers.

MaLe Corona

Course Trainer

MaLe is an advocate of human wholeness and radical aliveness. As a Gender-Specific Healer & Body-oriented Coach, she offers male-identified bodyminds a safe space to explore and restore their embodied self-awareness. Her work integrates modern somatic approaches with ancient spiritual technologies alongside experiences of reconnection with nature.

Jo Guz

Course Trainer

Jo is a leadership & culture facilitator/coach who helps people bring their most powerful leadership to the pressures they face and the future they’re looking to create. She is a trained holistic kinesiologist and organisational development practitioner. Jo creates spaces for the lights to come on and show a clearer, more enlivening way forward.

Mike Simon

Course Trainer

Mike is a Body-oriented coach, Reiki Practitioner and trained professional dancer. He is passionate about working with creatives and leaders, supporting them to create life and business on their own terms by accessing the wisdom of the body. Through somatics, Mike is bringing a holistic and trauma-informed lens to the Hip Hop Theatre industry.

Bruce Fertman

Remembership™ Trainer

Bruce brings 60 years of study as a movement artist and educator. For the past 30 years he has taught across the world helping people experience the interconnectedness between physical and spiritual life. Bruce is the founding director of the Alexander Alliance International and author of Teaching by Hand/Learning by Heart and The Way~The Way Out.

Tamu Thomas

Remembership™ Trainer

Tamu helps over-functioning, overworking, high achievers fall in love with themselves so they can make powerful choices about how they live, love and work. Person-centred, evidence-based and trauma-informed, Tamu’s work is informed by her background of sixteen years in social work and her love of behavioural neuroscience and Polyvagal Theory.

Nathalie Joel-Smith

Remembership™ Trainer

Nathalie is a coach/facilitator weaving together experiences that embrace the interconnectedness of somatics, nature, culture and creativity. She invites people on developmental journeys infused with curiosity and oriented towards wholeness, drawing on her experience as a movement teacher, performing artist and learning & development consultant.

Bunny Love-Schock

Remembership™ Trainer

Bunny's work invites you to softly and sustainably partner yourself and the universe so you can create more capacity for sustainable success at every level. She is committed to helping unlock your prosperity and liberate the body of your business. Represented Scotland in 2021 at the UN's COP26, a multi-six-figure CEO, and a £10+ million fundraiser.

Amy Bray

Course Consultant

Amy is an ACC coach, who specialises in supporting others in Grief. Amy coaches all who are experiencing change, challenge, transition or struggling with loss. She is an easy, supportive listener who believes that the answer always lies inside of us - and that sometimes we just need some assistance finding it and living into it fearlessly.

Caro Gomez

Course Consultant

Caro is a life-long student of Mayan mysticism, an award winning fashion and textile designer and an unconventional business coach for multi-passionate creatives. She has a deep appreciation of moving to the rhythm of the most delicious Latin beats. She believes joy is an act of revolution as it takes courage to fly the Joy Flag in the modern age.